Fiscal Note
There will be minimal fiscal impact from this revision. There is a potential for a slight increase in revenue from liquor licenses issued.
SUBSTITUTE Amending Sections 38.02 and 38.05(3)(c) and (d), creating Sections 38.05(3)(b) and (c), 38.05(9)(d)7.a.vii, viii., and 38.09(5)(a)1. - 4., and repealing Sections 38.05(3)(f)3. and 38.05(9)(o) of the Madison General Ordinances removes the Alcohol License Density section, clarifies the City’s publication fees, permits the issuance of alcohol licenses to movie theaters and painting studios, and creates the requirements for the Class A Cider license.
DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: This revision removes the Alcohol License Density Ordinance (ALDO) which is no longer operational as it has reached its sunset date and was not extended. This revision also addresses a concern raised by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue that the City’s publication fees exceed that which is allowed by statute. However, the City’s fees include the costs of signage and mailings that are not limited by the state statute. This revision clarifies that Madison’s publication fees, now renamed as a “Public Notification Fee” includes these additional costs which are not limited by state statute. This revision also incorporates recent changes in state statutes that permit the issuance of alcohol licenses to business operating as movie theaters and painting studios as well as incorporates the requirements for the new Class A Cider license. This amendment also incorporates the current practice required by the alcohol license application, that the applicant host or attend an informational meeting with the local community and also meet with the local alder to discuss their plans.
The Common Council of the City of Madison do hereby ordain as follows:
1. Section 38.02 entitled “Definitions” of the Madison General Ordinances is amended by creating therein th...
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