Fiscal Note
The adopted 2015 capital budget includes $700,000 under PCED project #12 for the South Capitol Transit Oriented District ($380,000 in Federal TIGER II grant funds and $320,000 in TID 25 proceeds). The Parking Utility budget includes $11.95 million in 2015 for replacement of the Government East parking garage (Parking Utility project #2, Judge Doyle Square Garage).
Additional background information on the project can be found at the Judge Doyle Square page on the City Planning website (
Staff resources from the Department of Planning & Community & Economic Development, Finance, Traffic Engineering, Parking Utility, Monona Terrace and City Engineering will be allocated to provide support for the negotiation process without the need for an additional appropriation.
All future expenditures associated with the project will require further Council approval other than the costs associated with the review and developer selection and negotiations with the selected developer.
Accepting the Report of the Judge Doyle Square Negotiating Team and Directing the Team to Implement the Report’s Recommendations.
WHEREAS, the Common Council, approved the issuance of a new Request for Proposals (RFP) on February 3, 2015 for the Judge Doyle Square project; and
WHEREAS, proposals were due from developers on May 1, 2015; and
WHEREAS, four RFP responses were received on May 1, 2015 which are considered complete and in compliance with the RFP requirements; and
WHEREAS, the Negotiating Team prepared a Report for the Board of Estimates covering aspects of each proposal; and
WHEREAS, the Judge Doyle Square Negotiating Team found that extraordinary circumstances exist in the proposal from JDS Development, LLC/Exact Science as described in the Report.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council does hereby accept and concur in the report of the Judge Doyle Square Negotiating Team and direct...
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