Fiscal Note
It is anticipated this study will be accomplished with existing staff resources and $30,000 in the 2015 Operating Budget (adopted Common Council Amendment #8).
AMENDED SUBSTITUTE Declaring the City of Madison's intention to study the potential use of body cameras by the Madison Police and the framework for a pilot study through the creation of an ad hoc committee and a community and employee engagement process.
WHEREAS, the City of Madison is committed to be engaged in the national and local dialogue on the role of law enforcement; and
WHEREAS, the Madison Police Department (MPD) is committed to continuing to be a partner with the community in setting policies and practices that reflect our city's longstanding tradition of community policing; and
WHEREAS, on December 2, 2014, the MPD presented a report to the Common Council on the use of body cameras; and
WHEREAS, the City's 2015 Operating Budget requests the creation of an ad hoc committee to 1) guide, develop and implement a community and employee engagement process and timeline, 2) develop a policy on the use of body cameras, and 3) develop a framework for a pilot study to occur in 2016; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council requests that the Mayor hire a project manager by March 2, 2015. The project manager will:
· Create a timeline and processes to engage the community on the topic of policing and, specifically, body cameras. The community engagement process will include various segments of our community including, but not limited to, communities of color, immigrant communities, crime and domestic violence victims and the LGBTQ community;
· Work with City managers to develop and implement an employee engagement process to better understand their perspectives. Specific focus should be given to MPD, MFD, ITS and DCR employees;
· Research best practices by communicating with personnel in cities using or considering the use of body cameras; and
· Write a ...
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