Fiscal Note
Adoption of the Resolution will not commit the City of Madison to additional expenditures at this time, but may represent an initial step toward ultimately significant potential impacts on future City capital and operating expenses.
The Resolution authorizes advancement toward BRT system project development, environmental evaluation and project implementation. City planning staff estimate that the project development process may be initiated over the next several months, then require two years to complete - at an estimated cost of approximately $2-$2.5 million. Detailed funding sources for the project development work are yet to be determined but will likely be funded by a combination of federal, state and local sources. Federal grant funds allocated to this project (WI-39-0001, WI-26-0012 and WI-39-0002) have been secured and will be used. Any City of Madison expenditures to fund BRT system project development will require future Council approval.
The Resolution also provides for the creation of a “BRT Intergovernmental Oversight Committee” to review, evaluate, and develop recommendations on various project elements. Staff resources from the Department of Planning & Community & Economic Development, Metro Transit, Traffic Engineering, City Engineering, and the Madison Area Transportation Planning Board - a Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) may be necessary to provide support for future planning and/or project development work on a BRT start-up system.
Any future expenditure associated with implementation of a BRT start-up system will require further Council approval.
To accept the Madison Transit Corridor (BRT) Study Report, endorsing BRT as a high-capacity transit concept that could help the City achieve its long-term strategic transportation planning and urban development goals the recommendations contained in the Report as a conceptual component of the City’s strategy for addressing future transportation system planning and develo...
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