Fiscal Note
No appropriation is required. Staff resources will be reallocated toward other activities.
Repealing Sections 25.10(9) and (10) of the Madison General Ordinances to eliminate the reporting requirement and sunset date for the nuisance house party ordinance.
DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: This proposal eliminates the annual review requirement and the sunset date of the nuisance house party ordinance. It assumes Council adoption of the reenacted nuisance ordinance on September 2, 2014, per Legistar No. 35363.
The Common Council of the City of Madison do hereby ordain as follows:
Subsections (9) entitled “Annual Review” and (10) of Section 25.10 entitled “Nuisance Party Prohibited” of the Madison General Ordinances are hereby repealed.
Sections 25.10(9) and (10) currently read:
“(9) Annual Review. The effect of this ordinance shall be reviewed every year. In addition to any public feedback, a report shall be prepared by City staff, including the Alcohol Policy Coordinator and the Police Department and shared with the following committees: Alcohol License Review Committee; Landlord and Tenant Issues Committee; Public Safety Review Committee and the Common Council. This review will be due December 1st of each year, with the first report due December 1st, 2012. This report will include:
(a) information regarding house parties dispersed by the police;
(b) number of citations issued relating to house parties;
(c) the average and maximum fines imposed for a house party; and
(d) number of parties deemed a nuisance under this ordinance.
This information should be organized by police districts. In addition, the report should include any qualitative information gathered by City staff on the subject of house parties in Madison that may be relevant to the various committees and Common Council.
(10) This section shall expire and be of no legal effect on Oc...
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