Fiscal Note
$500 Administrative Fee to be deposited into Account No. GN01-78231.
Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to accept a Warranty Deed from Venture II Properties, LLC, dedicating land for public right-of-way purposes; and authorizing the execution of a Partial Release of Non-Exclusive Easement for Drainage Purposes, both pertaining to a property located at 617 North Segoe Road.
WHEREAS, the owner of the property located at 617 North Segoe Road, aka Venture II Properties LLC (the “Owner”) is redeveloping the property with a 115-unit apartment building; and
WHEREAS, as a condition of approval of a zoning map amendment and demolition permit, the City Traffic Engineer is requiring that the Owner dedicate land, at no cost to the City, for public right-of-way purposes, for a future roundabout at North Segoe Road and Sheboygan Avenue, and
WHEREAS, the Owner has agreed to convey the land for public right-of-way purposes, and has also supplied the necessary administrative fee, legal descriptions and exhibits required by City Engineering; and
WHEREAS, the Owner has requested that the City Engineer approve the partial release of a Non-Exclusive Easement for Drainage Purposes (the “Easement”) on Lot 2, Certified Survey Map Number 10358; and
WHEREAS, the City Traffic Engineer and Engineering Division have reviewed and approve of the acceptance of a Warranty Deed for public right-of-way purposes for a future roundabout at North Segoe Road and Sheboygan Avenue; and also approved of the partial release of the Easement, both pertaining to Lot 2, Certified Survey Map Number 10358.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized to accept a Warranty Deed, at no cost to the City, for public right-of-way purposes for a future roundabout at North Segoe Road and Sheboygan Avenue; and execute a Partial Release of a Non-Exclusive Easement for Drainage Purposes on Lot 2, Certified Survey Map Number 10358, recorded on ...
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