Fiscal Note
Funding for this contract is included in the Monona Terrace Operating Budget.
Authorizing the City to execute a service contract for a 1 year term of service provided by Hiebing Inc. for marketing and advertising of Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center.
WHEREAS, funding for marketing and advertising services is provided for each year as part of the adopted Monona Terrace operating budget; and
WHEREAS, City Purchasing Ordinances provide under sec. 4.26(4)(b), of the Madison General Ordinances that, if the aggregate amount of the fee for services in a contract exceeds $25,000 and the contract was not subject to a competitive bidding process, the contract shall meet one of the other requirements of sec. 4.26(4)(a) and must be approved by the Common Council; and
WHEREAS, the proposed contract with Hiebing Inc. meets the exception to the bidding process in section 4.26(4)(a)2 which states "The service required is available only from one person or firm";
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to execute a service contract, for a one year term for marketing and advertising Services from Hiebing Inc. at a price not to exceed $100,000.