Fiscal Note
Funds under this grant will be used to support the Transit Division budget as well as some pass through funds to Dane County to support County programs enhancing the public transit experience for seniors and people with disabilities. Up to 80% of the total project cost of $288,100 is funded by USDOT/FTA with the remaining local share ($63,100) to be funded by the City of Madison ($27,500) and by Dane County Department of Human Resources ($35,600). Grant revenues and the City's local share are included in the Metro Transit 2014 adopted operating budget, so no additional appropriation is required. In addition, Metro Transit will be reimbursed for Grant Administration by USDOT/FTA. Please see the attached document "Section 5310 Program of Projects" for a full budget breakdown.
A separate 13(c) agreement is a required precondition for receiving Federal grant funds. Any costs associated with the 13(c) agreement are included in the Transit Division operating budget.
Authorizing the Transit General manager to file an application for a Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program Grant with the U.S. Department of Transportation, and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the associated grant agreement with USDOT and the associated 13 (c) agreement with Teamsters Local No. 695, approving the associated Program Management and Recipient Coordination Plan which designates Metro Transit as the Direct Recipient of the funding and authorizing Metro Transit to pass through funding as approved in the Program of Projects.
WHEREAS, the Madison Area Transportation Planning Board (TPB) - An MPO adopted their Resolution TPB No. 84 on November 13, 2013 supporting the designation of the City of Madison / Metro Transit as the recipient for federal Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program funds; and
WHEREAS, Governor Walker designated the City of Madison - Me...
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