Fiscal Note
Funding of $22,358 is currently allocated in the CDD 2014 budget. This resolution would not change the amount or the source of funds; it would change only the Contractor. There is no impact on the City levy.
Approve the re-allocation of $22,358 from the YWCA of Madison to The Salvation Army Dane County to provide case management to homeless single women, and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary agreements.
CDD currently contracts with the YWCA to operate the Second Chance Tenant Education Program. This is a 6-hour course that educates homeless persons on finding and maintaining stable housing. The amount under contract is $22,000 for 2013 and $22,358 in 2014, and the source is primarily HUD Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funds. The YWCA CEO, Rachel Krinsky, notified CDD that they would be discontinuing the Second Chance Tenant Education Program in an effort to focus on strengthening other core programming. Ms. Krinsky asked that CDD consider re-allocating these funds to one of the other YWCA housing programs i.e. The Third Street Program for mothers with small children or the SRO housing for single women. CDD supports both of these programs and is currently providing $31,500 annually to the Third Street Program and, since 2004, has provided over $350,000 to the YWCA to rehabilitate and maintain the building at 101 E. Mifflin Street. The decision as to whether to amend the YWCA contract to shift the funds to one of their housing programs was delayed in order to determine the best use of the $22,358 in ESG funds.
Currently, the City is partnering with seven housing and services providers (including the YWCA) in preparing a $3 million HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) grant request to fund a number of supportive housing projects for homeless individuals and families with children. This is a competitive process, in that an application must score a sufficient number of points to be considered for funding of existing, as ...
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