Fiscal Note
No expenditure of City funds is required.
Vacation/Discontinuance of a portion of Elderberry Road in both the Northwest and Southeast quadrants of the current N. Pleasant View Rd intersection, being located in part of the Northwest one-quarter (1/4) of the Southwest one-quarter (1/4) of Section 22, and part of the Northeast one-quarter (1/4) of the Southwest one-quarter (1/4) of Section 22, Town 07 North, Range 08 East, City of Madison (formerly Township of Middleton), Dane County, Wisconsin, and
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to accept dedication of land area from the University of Wisconsin Regents equal to the land area vacated by the City for the relocation of Elderberry Road, and
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to accept dedication of land area owned from Attic Angel Prairie Point Inc. for the relocation of Elderberry Road. (9th AD)
WHEREAS, the City of Madison Engineering Division has created Engineering Project No. 53W0977 scheduling the reconstruction of Elderberry Road to accommodate increased traffic volumes due to increased development in this area; and
WHEREAS, it was brought to the attention of Engineering Division staff that there are apparent grave sites located within the existing Elderberry Road public right-of-way that may be disturbed; and
WHEREAS, to avoid the potential disturbance of the apparent grave sites, Engineering Division staff coordinated a relocated reconstruction alignment with adjacent property owners, Attic Angel Prairie Point Inc. and UW Regents; and
WHEREAS, both property owners have agreed to dedicate the required right-of-way at no cost to the City to allow an alternative Elderberry Road reconstruction design to avoid the apparent grave sites; and
WHEREAS, in return for the dedication from the UW Regents, the City of Madison shall vacate surplus Elderberry Road right-of-way to the UW Regents; and
WHEREAS, on November 27, 2012 the City of Madison Common Council approved the Plans,...
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