Fiscal Note
Funding for the Neighborhood Grants Program ($80,000) was allocated in the Planning Division's 2012 Operating Budget. Funding this specific project ($37,340) through the Neighborhood Grants Program was approved by the Common Council on May 1, 2012 (File ID 25850, Enactment # Res-12-00294).
SUBSTITUTE - Establishing the University Hill Farms Steering Committee and authorizing staff to contract with a consultant to assist in the preparation of neighborhood plan.
WHEREAS the City of Madison's Comprehensive Plan adopted January 17, 2006 provides general goals, objectives, policies and implementation recommendations and generalized land use maps to guide the future growth and development of the City; and
WHEREAS the City of Madison's Comprehensive Plan recommends the preparation of neighborhood plans for established residential neighborhoods to provide greater detailed on specific land uses, development intensity, and design characteristics that are consistent with the adopted Plan or propose amendments to the adopted Plan; and
WHEREAS the University Hill Farms Neighborhood Association applied to the City's Neighborhood Grant Program and received a $37,340 grant (File ID 25850, Enactment # RES-12-00294) to hire a planning consultant to prepare a mid-range (5-10 years) neighborhood plan; and
WHEREAS a condition approved by the Common Council in awarding the grant was that a City appointed steering committee of neighborhood residents, business and stakeholder representatives (including the State) lead the process of preparing a mid-range plan, including reconciling any inconsistencies with other adopted plans; and
WHEREAS another condition provided that the planning consultant be selected, hired and managed through a contract with the City; and
WHEREAS, the planning study area for the neighborhood planning effort is roughly bounded by University Avenue on the north, North Midvale Boulevard on the east, South Rosa Road and North Whitney Way on the west, and Mineral Point Road on the south (see Map A); and
WHEREAS, the planning study boundaries encompasses a well-established residential neighborhood with a total population of 5,776 persons, 3,305 housing units (35% owner-occupied, 64% renter-occupied), a regional shopping mall (Hilldale Mall), and commercial office uses along Sheboygan Avenue and Vernon Boulevard areas.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the University Hill Farms Neighborhood Plan Steering Committee be established, and be comprised of 10-persons as follows: 2 representatives from the University Hill Farms Neighborhood Association; 2 homeowners within the planning area; 3 2 renters living in the planning area; 2 representatives owning businesses and/or commercial property in the planning area, including multi-family developments; 1 at-large representative in the planning area, and 1 non-voting representative from the State of Wisconsin.
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Department of Planning and Community & Economic Development is authorized to issue a Request for Proposals to retain and then enter into a contract with a planning consulting firm to prepare the University Hill Farms Neighborhood Plan.