Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute an Amendment to the contract between the City of Madison and KL Engineering, Inc., for additional design engineering services for University Avenue from Allen Boulevard to Segoe Road (11th & 19th AD).
The City of Madison, Dane County, City of Middleton, and Village of Shorewood Hills have proposed a joint project to reconstruct University Avenue from Allen Boulevard to Segoe Road. The City of Madison is the lead agency for the project and has entered into a design engineering contract with KL Engineering, Inc.
The City Engineer recommends that additional design services be undertaken by KL Engineering, Inc. to address additional design issues that have been identified during the design process. The additional services include:
1. This amendment is necessary to provide for design of an ADA compliant sidewalk connection between Marsha Drive and University Avenue (KL Engineering).
2. This amendment is necessary to provide additional design to investigate and document bicycle and pedestrian connectivity options between Whitney Way and Segoe Road in order to meet Trans 75 (KL Engineering, Inc.).
3. This amendment is necessary to provide additional survey and design to add construction of bicycle lanes on the Old Middleton Road entrance and exit ramps and sidewalk on the Old Middleton Road entrance ramp to the final design and PS&E (KL Engineering).
4. This amendment is necessary to revise the Allen Blvd. intersection to a single westbound right turn lane (KL Engineering).
5. This amendment is necessary to make design revisions at the Laurel Crest south, Capital
Avenue, and Craig Avenue intersctions (KL Engineering).
6. This amendment is necessary to make design revisions at the proposed Spring harbor
Pedestrian Underpass (KL Engineering).
7. This amendment is necessary to make additional revisions to the Hazardous Materials Assessment and the Environment...
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