Fiscal Note
There may be a small increase in General Fund revenues derived from forfeitures.
AMENDED 3rd SUBSTITUTE Creating Section 25.10 of the Madison General Ordinances to prohibit Nuisance Parties and amending Section 1.08(3)(a) of the Madison General Ordinances to establish bail amounts for this section.
DRAFTER’S ANALYSIS: This creates Section 25.10 of the Madison General Ordinances. This section creates a definition of “nuisance party.” There is not a specific criteria-based definition of “nuisance party” due to the fact that police need to have flexibility to meet the myriad of different situations that occur in the context of such parties. It is essential that police have discretion and are not hemmed in by bright line rules. When a nuisance party is declared, all nuisance activity must cease immediately. This ordinance establishes penalties for failure to cease the nuisance party and for allowing the nuisance party. This ordinance directs the police to provide notice of the nuisance party declaration to the premise owner and tenants and requires the premise owner and tenants to meet with the Madison Police Department within 10 days to discuss the nuisance party. The ordinance also requires the landlord and tenants to take appropriate measures to prevent future nuisance parties at the premise. A penalty is provided for premise owners who, within six (6) months of the initial notification of a nuisance party declaration, have a subsequent nuisance party declaration at the same premise.
The Common Council of the City of Madison do hereby ordain as follows:
1. Section 25.10 entitled “Nuisance Party Prohibited” of the Madison General Ordinances is created to read as follows:
(1) Findings. The Madison Common Council finds that there are parties occurring on premises located throughout the city, which are unsafe and are...
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