Fiscal Note
This reorganization of boundaries will result in an estimated eight additional polling places. For each of these polling places, $1,000 will be needed for the purchase of a used vote tabulator, $2,000 for a used Automark machine, and $664 for tabulator and Automark maintenance agreements. Total equipment related costs are therefore estimated at $3,664 per location, or $29,312 for the entire City.
In additional, voters must be notified of polling location changes. Notification costs per voter are estimated at $0.40. As one-quarter to one-third of the City's 172,000 registered voters will likely require notification, these costs should be expected to range from $17,200 to $22,933.
Total costs can therefore be expected to range from $46,512 to $52,245. Funding is not currently available within the Clerk's Office budget, and will be sought as a supplemental appropriation later in the year.
AMENDED Repealing and recreating Renumbering current Section 15.02 to Section 15.06 and creating new Section 15.02 of the Madison General Ordinances to update existing Aldermanic Ward Boundaries.
DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: This ordinance establishes new wards and polling places, effective January 1, 2012. New Sec. 15.03, MGO, combines these wards into aldermanic districts. The ordinance is recommended by the City's Ad Hoc Reapportionment and Redistricting Committee.
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