Fiscal Note
No expenditure required.
Authorizing the Common Council to accept ownership from Capital City Chapter of Muskies Inc. and the Dane County Environmental Council of an interpretive sign to be located in Vilas Park adjacent to the Wingra Dam, along North Wingra Drive.
WHEREAS, the Capital City Chapter of Muskies Inc. and the Dane County Environmental Council (the “Applicants”), in conjunction with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, have requested permission to install an interpretive sign within Vilas Park adjacent to the Wingra Dam, along North Wingra Drive, as shown on Exhibit A; and
WHEREAS, the interpretive sign will inform and educate the public regarding the annual migration of muskies from Lake Monona into Lake Wingra, including the jumping behavior at the Wingra Dam; and
WHEREAS, the Applicants have agreed to perform maintenance of the interpretive sign; and
WHEREAS, the Applicants will transfer ownership of the interpretive sign to the City after it has been installed, in exchange for the ongoing maintenance of the sign by the Applicants; and
WHEREAS, the Parks Division and the Privilege in Streets Committee have reviewed this request and approved it with conditions.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council of the City of Madison accepts ownership, from the Capital City Chapter of Muskies Inc. and the Dane County Environmental Council (the “Applicants”) of an interpretive sign to be located in Vilas Park adjacent to the Wingra Dam, along North Wingra Drive, as shown on the attached Exhibit A; subject to the following conditions:
1. The Applicants shall work with the City Parks Division to locate the interpretive sign within a specific area, as approved by the said Division.
2. The Applicants shall be responsible for installation and maintenance the interpretive sign.
3. The Applicants are responsible for locating all underground utility services in the construction area, i.e., shall contact Digge...
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