Fiscal Note
No fiscal impact is anticipated.
Amending Sec. 38.05(12) of the Madison General Ordinances to revise catering service requirements.
DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: This proposal modifies existing City ordinances to be consistent with Wisconsin Department of Revenue Guidelines regarding catering of alcohol beverages. It repeals the existing provision of City ordinances that prohibits an alcohol beverage licensee from supplying bartenders or pouring alcohol beverages and permits a licensee to supply personnel at a catered event. It clarifies that a licensee may not cater onto another licensed premise, as provided by state law. It also states, as provided by state law, that alcohol beverages may not be sold by the glass at a catered event, where a licensee has provided such alcohol beverages. This subsection does not prohibit an eligible group from obtaining a temporary Class B “picnic” license and holding an event where alcohol is sold by the glass, provided the alcohol has been obtained from a licensed wholesaler. This proposal also repeals language that requires a licensee to give the Madison Police Department specified information about the event 15 days prior to the catered event.
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