Fiscal Note
The funding of $470,600 is part of the larger, overall Federal Department of Energy EECBG grant, the acceptance of which (and corresponding budget amendment) was approved 11/17/2009 (RES-09-00941, Legistar ID# 16450). No additional appropriation is required.
Authorizing specific projects in an application to the Department of Energy for the Weatherization Education/Training and Employment Program Project Funds authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign agreements with various private and public organizations to implement the projects per attachment.
The City of Madison CBDG staff has worked closely with the Urban League of Greater Madison as project lead to develop a grant proposal that provides funding for a collaborative process to provide weatherization education and training to unemployed and under-employed individuals in the Madison community. This Resolution is for the purpose of the City directing the $470,600 grant funds to support program development, implementation and administrative expenses associated with the project collaborative partners efforts to implement a training and education program. The collaborative partners include The Urban League of Greater Madison, MATC, Workforce Development Board of South Central Wisconsin, UW Center on Wisconsin Strategy (COWS), multiple construction and labor associations, Project Home, the Skilled Trades Apprenticeship Readiness Training (START) program operated by Construction Training Inc, and multiple for profit and non-profit employers in the construction and energy conservation industry. The project partners have assembled a broad coalition of industry experts to guide the project design and implementation and aligns with research based best practices and emerging workforce needs.
WHEREAS, the Common Council has accepted the U.S. Department of Energy EECBG grant. As a result the City of Madison was awarded a total DOE EECBG grant of $470,600 for the We...
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