Fiscal Note
Funding of $100,000 to support a new capital project entitled “Public Market” in the PCED 2010 Adopted Capital Budget Project is available in TID 25 cash proceeds. An amendment to the capital budget is required. No General Obligation borrowing is required.
3rd SUBSTITUTE - Accepting the 2010 Madison Public Market (MPM) Site Analysis for locating a Madison Public Market and the Economic Contribution of the Proposed Madison Public Market to the Regional Economy Reports (collective “the Reports”), and the Recommendation that the Government East Parking Ramp be selected as the preferred site for the development of a Madison Public Market, amending the 2010 Adopted PCED Capital Budget to provide for the creation of a new project entitled “Public Market,” and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an agreement with Common Wealth Development, Inc., to provide $50,000 in funds to proceed with the preparation of documents and materials regarding budget, fundraising, outreach, market operations, updates to tenant leasing reports, and MPM project management, and $50,000, for architectural/engineering and space planning design services for the MPM portion of the “Public Market Square” (Blocks 88 and 105) once the Mayor’s planning process related to downtown high speed rail redevelopment begins.
WHEREAS, on November 18, 2008, the Common Council accepted the Madison Public Market Report: Key Findings Report which identified the Brayton Lot as the preferred location of the Madison Public Market (Enactment No. RES-08-01019, Legislative File ID No. 12178); and
WHEREAS, Council requested that City staff, along with Common Wealth Development and Blue Planet Partners, explore additional sites that might be better locations for the Market beyond Brayton Lot; and
WHEREAS, $60,000 was approved in the 2009 Capital Budget to permit further site and economic analysis for up to three (3) additional locations to occur; and
WHEREAS, Common Wealt...
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