Fiscal Note
No appropriation required.
Accepting a Sanitary Sewer Easement fom the Donald G. and Juanita M. Hoepker Trust across property located at 4303 Hoepker Road.
WHEREAS, the City of Madison Engineering Division desires to construct a new public sanitary sewer to serve future development of the area known as Pumpkin Hollow; and
WHEREAS, an easement over private lands is required to construct the proposed public sanitary sewer; and
WHEREAS, the property owner, Donald G. and Juanita M. Hoepker Trust, have offered a Public Sanitary Sewer Easement to the City of Madison at no cost; and
WHEREAS, the City of Madison Engineering Division staff have reviewed and recommend the acceptance of the Public Sanitary Sewer Easement.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Madison is hereby authorized to accept from Donald G. and Juanita M. Hoepker Trust, at no cost to the City, a 30 foot wide Public Sanitary Sewer easement, along with 50 foot wide and 60 foot wide temporary construction easements across the following described lands (the "Easement area")
PLE DESCRIPTION: A 30 foot wide Public Sanitary Sewer Easement A public sanitary sewer easement being part of Lot 2, Certified Survey Map No 10965, located in part of the NE ¼ of the NE ¼ and part of the NW ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 16, T8N, R10E, City of Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, to-wit:
Commencing at the Northeast Corner of said Section 16, T8N, R10E;
thence S89°39'29"W, 872.95 feet;
thence S00°59'01"W, 61.99 feet to the South line of Hoepker Road and the point of beginning;
thence along said South line, S89°39'37"W, 30.01 feet;
thence S00°59'01"W, 153.76 feet;
thence S84°08'51"W, 153.41 feet;
thence S00°20'26"E, 346.64 feet;
thence S02°56'15"E, 365.09 Feet;
thence S36°06'48"W, 167.95 feet;
thence S73°03'25"W, 122.31 feet to the Southwest line of Lot 2, Certified Survey Map No. 10965;
thence along said Southwest line, S20°35'31"E, 30.06 feet;
thence N73°03'25"E, 130.42 feet;
thence N36°06'48"E, 173.56 feet;
thence S77°56'19"E, 480.29 feet;
thence S00°23'42"E, 180.98 feet;
thence N89°37'59"E, 478.08 feet to the West line of Portage Road;
thence along said West line, N01°16'40"E, 30.01 feet;
thence S89°37'59"W, 448.96 feet;
thence N00°23'42"W, 175.09 feet;
thence N77°56'19"W, 502.61 feet;
thence N02°56'15"W, 358.22 feet;
thence N00°20'26"W, 318.71 feet;
thence N84°08'51"E, 152.78 feet;
thence N00°59'01"E, 181.07 feet to the point of beginning.
This easement contains 73,747 square feet.
TLE DESCRIPTION: A 60 foot wide Temporary Construction Easement A temporary construction easement being part of Lot 2, Certified Survey Map No 10965, located in part of the NE ¼ of the NE ¼ and part of the NW ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 16, T8N, R10E, City of Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, to-wit:
Commencing at the Northeast Corner of Section 16, T8N, R10E;
thence S89°39'29"W, 862.95 feet;
thence S00°59'01"W, 61.99 feet to the south line of Hoepker Road and the point of beginning;
thence along said South line, S89°39'37"W, 60.02 feet;
thence S00°59'01"W, 135.55 feet;
thence S84°08'51"W, 153.83 feet; thence S00°20'26"E, 365.26 feet;
thence S02°56'15"E, 358.45 feet;
thence S36°06'48"W, 154.18 feet;
thence S73°03'25"W, 116.91 feet to the Southwest line of Lot 2, Certified Survey Map No. 10965;
thence along said Southwest line, S20°35'31"E, 60.12 feet;
thence N73°03'25"E, 98.46 feet;
thence S47°01'20"E, 16.63 feet;
thence N43°41'09"E, 60.00 feet;
thence N47°01'20"W, 3.61 feet;
thence N36°06'48"E, 165.28 feet;
thence N02°56'15"W, 378.37 feet;
thence N00°20'26"W, 302.59 feet;
thence N75°45'58"E, 30.88 feet;
thence N14°14'02"W, 2.31 feet;
thence N84°08'51"E, 123.02 feet;
thence N00°59'01"E, 190.17 feet to the point of beginning.
This easement contains 79,727 square feet.
TLE DESCRIPTION: A 50 foot wide Temporary Construction Easement A temporary construction easement being part of Lot 2, Certified Survey Map No 10965, located in part of the NE ¼ of the NE ¼ and part of the NW ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 16, T8N, R10E, in the City of Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, to-wit:
Commencing at the Northeast Corner of Section 16, T8N, R10E;
thence S89°39'29"W, 862.95 feet;
thence S00°59'01"W, 61.99 feet to the south line of Hoepker Road;
thence continuing S00°59'01"W, 190.17 feet;
thence S84°08'51"W, 123.02 feet;
thence S14°14'02"E, 2.31 feet;
thence S75°45'58"W, 30.88 feet;
thence S00°20'26"E, 302.59 feet;
thence S02°56'15"E, 350.32 feet to the point of beginning;
thence S77°56'19"E, 502.97 feet;
thence S00°23'42"E, 173.12 feet;
thence N89°37'59"E, 439.25 to the West line of Portage Road;
thence along said West line, S01°16'40"W, 50.02 feet;
thence S89°37'59"W, 487.79 feet;
thence N00°23'42"W, 182.94 feet;
thence N77°56'19"W, 465.77 feet;
thence N36°06'48"E, 25.08 feet;
thence N02°56'15"W, 28.05 feet to the point of beginning.
This easement contains 56,074 square feet.