Fiscal Note
Fiscal Note: There is no fiscal impact associated with the adoption of the plan. However, implementing specific recommendations within the plan will have fiscal impacts in the future and will require Common Council approval at that time.
Adopting the Southwest Neighborhood Plan and recommendations contained therein as a supplement to the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan. Ald. Districts 1, 19, & 20.
WHEREAS the City of Madison's Comprehensive Plan adopted January 17, 2006 (Substitute Ordinance No. 02207) recommends the adoption of neighborhood plans for established residential neighborhoods within the City; and
WHEREAS the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Commission has designed the Southwest area (selected of portions of census tract 4.04 and 5.01) as a CDBG Concentration Neighborhood for the purposes of providing planning assistance and CDBG funding for eligible neighborhood improvement projects;
WHEREAS the Southwest Neighborhood Steering Committee (SWNSC) guided the preparation of the plan with input from the Greentree, Meadowood, Prairie Hills, and Orchard Ridge Neighborhood Associations as well as neighborhood residents, business community and other interested stakeholders; and
WHEREAS the SWNSC prioritized the top six overall plan recommendations, summarized in priority order: 1) Assign additional police services/resources to the Bettys-Theresa-Hammersley, Balsam-Russett and Park Ridge areas; 2) Expand Meadowridge Library at or near its present location and provide additional programs/services for youth and adult residents, with an added emphasis on programs dealing with education and employment resources; 3) Promote a variety of home ownership and rehabilitation programs, loans and services focusing on Bettys-Theresa-Hammersley, Balsam-Russett, Park Ridge, and Schroeder-Berkshire areas; 4) Increase programming for youth, adults and seniors, such as ESL classes, GED, tutoring, and after-school and summer educational/re...
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