Fiscal Note
No fiscal impact.
Recognizing the 50 Year Anniversary of the Eastmorland Community Association.
WHEREAS the City of Madison recognizes neighborhood associations and highly recognizes the contribution of residents and business community activities in making neighborhoods healthy; and
WHEREAS the Eastmorland Neighborhood, bounded by Milwaukee Street on the north, Highway 51 on the east, Cottage Grove Road on the south, and Starkweather Creek, Lake Monona and Atwood Avenue on the west, was developed in the 1950s; and
WHEREAS the Eastmorland Community Association (ECA) has made significant contributions to the strength and vitality of the Eastmorland Neighborhood since the ECA's inception 50 years ago; and
WHEREA, the 50th anniversary celebration is an important opportunity to recognize the vital role that the neighborhood association has played in the health, vibrancy, and stability of Eastmorland Neighborhood since April 1957; and
WHEREAS, the ECA has devoted considerable resources to improving its neighborhood, such as conducting surveys of residents, publishing neighborhood directory and newsletters, and working on neighborhood-based projects such as improving Eastmorland and Olbrich Parks, Starkweather Creek parkway, and developing community gardens; and
WHEREAS the ECA's Commemorative Newsletter Issue will include information on activities of the ECA since its inception 50 years ago, past presidents and directors; current staff and volunteers; and future intentions of the ECA.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Common Council recognizes the importance of ECA efforts over the last 50 years in making the neighborhood a place where people of all ages, incomes, and diversity are welcome and the initiatives undertaken by ECA were to the benefits of present and future generations.