Fiscal Note
$700,000 is authorized in the 2007 Adopted Department of Planning and Development Capital Budget Project No. 36 (Badger-Ann-Park & Todd Drive-Beltline Revitalization Projects).
Determining a public purpose and necessity for the acquisition of an 8-unit apartment building located at 837 Hughes Place for park purposes. 14th Ald. Dist.
WHEREAS, the November, 2003 Draft South Madison Neighborhood Plan states that without the Lincoln Elementary School playground, the southwestern part of the neighborhood planning area would be park deficient; and
WHEREAS, the Draft South Madison Neighborhood Plan recommends development of a master plan for Lincoln Elementary School, which may include developing a park on the southeastern corner of the school property and expansion of open space into nearby privately owned property; and
WHEREAS, the 2007 Adopted Capital Budget allocates funds to the implementation of the Badger-Ann-Park & Todd Dr.-Beltline Revitalization Project, one goal of which is to provide open and green space improvements in the vicinity of Lincoln School to enhance recreational activities for young children in a park and green space deficient area.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this Resolution of Necessity is in accordance with Sections 32.06(1) and 32.07(2), Wisconsin Statutes.
BE IF FURTHER RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Madison hereby determines that it is necessary for the City of Madison to create a public park for the public purpose of providing open space for the Badger Road and South Park Street neighborhoods.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Common Council hereby determines that it is necessary, in furtherance of the above-stated public purpose, for the City of Madison to acquire the fee title to the property located at 837 Hughes Place for said new park.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the real estate interests to be acquired are shown on the map that is attached to this Resolution of Nec...
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