Fiscal Note
This transfer of various vacated public right-of-way to adjoining landowners to facilitate redevelopment of this site-Hilldale Center.
No expenditure of City funds.
Vacating / Discontinuing portions of Sawyer Terrace and Frey Street and a public "walk" as platted by University Hill Farms Commercial Reserve Addition being located in part of the Northeast ? of the Northwest ? Section 20, Town 07 North, Range 09 East, City of Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin. 11th Ald. Dist.
The developer, Hilldale Building Company LLC, a Wisconsin Limited Liability Company, By: JFA Management LLC, an Illinois Limited Liability Company, has received the City of Madison's approval for a Planned United Development (PUD) to demolish existing buildings and construct residential units, parking ramp and retail space at 702 North Midvale Boulevard.
The proposed Hilldale Center Development requests the vacation / discontinuance of a dead end cul-de-sac portion of Sawyer Terrace, a portion of Frey Street which is being realigned and also a 20 feet wide public "Walk" connection to University Avenue, both dedicated by the University Hill Farms~Commercial Reserve Addition, to facilitate the final development phase of the Hilldale Center project.
Development plans, previously approved by the City of Madison and copied as part of this resolution, require the vacation / discontinuance of portions of Sawyer Terrace and Frey Street and the public "walk". The approved plan also provides for adequate replacement public sidewalk connections throughout this development to replace the lost public walk connection by this vacation / discontinuance.
The City Of Madison has various existing public sanitary sewer, public storm sewer and public water main within the proposed vacated / discontinued right of ways. The owner in accordance with approved Private Contract No 2029 and Addendums will relocate these facilities. Temporary public easements for thes...
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