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File #: 05532    Version: Name: E Wash Capitol Gateway Corridor Plan & Urban Design Guidelines
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 1/30/2007 In control: PLAN COMMISSION
On agenda: 2/5/2008 Final action: 2/5/2008
Enactment date: 2/8/2008 Enactment #: RES-08-00166
Title: ALTERNATE - Accepting the Final Report of the East Washington Capitol Gateway Plan Advisory Committee and adopting the East Washington Capitol Gateway Corridor Plan and Urban Design Guidelines as a supplement to the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan, and other City plans to be used to guide future land use and development within the East Washington Capitol Gateway Corridor.
Sponsors: Marsha A. Rummel, Judy Compton, Brenda K. Konkel
Attachments: 1. Capitol Gateway CorrPlan 1-23-07.pdf, 2. Capitol Gateway BUILD Memo 9-8-06.pdf, 3. Table1 E Wash Capitol Gateway Corridor 10-11-06.pdf, 4. Minutes E Wash BUILD 10-11-06.pdf, 5. 05532 Ltr from Capitol Neighborhoods.pdf, 6. UDC Rpt 031407.pdf, 7. Add Comments 031907.pdf, 8. 05532 Memo 061507.pdf, 9. Map.pdf, 10. Comments 080607.pdf, 11. Discussion Packet 012808.pdf, 12. MNA EWABUILD 012508.pdf, 13. 05532-Version1, 14. Maps 013008.pdf, 15. Plan Comparisons 013008.pdf, 16. 05532 Registration Stmt.pdf
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsWatch
2/5/20082 COMMON COUNCIL AdoptPass Action details Meeting details Not available
1/28/20081 PLAN COMMISSION RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICERPass Action details Meeting details Not available
9/17/20071 PLAN COMMISSION Re-referPass Action details Meeting details Not available
8/6/20071 PLAN COMMISSION Re-referPass Action details Meeting details Not available
6/18/20071 PLAN COMMISSION Re-referPass Action details Meeting details Not available
3/19/20071 PLAN COMMISSION Re-referPass Action details Meeting details Not available
3/14/20071 URBAN DESIGN COMMISSION Return to Lead with the Following Recommendation(s)Pass Action details Meeting details Not available
3/7/20071 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Return to Lead with the Recommendation for ApprovalPass Action details Meeting details Not available
2/6/20071 COMMON COUNCIL Refer  Action details Meeting details Not available
2/6/20071 PLAN COMMISSION Refer  Action details Meeting details Not available
2/6/20071 PLAN COMMISSION Refer  Action details Meeting details Not available
1/31/20071 Finance Dept/Approval Group Approved Fiscal Note By The Comptroller's Office  Action details Meeting details Not available
1/31/20071 Planning Unit Referred for Introduction  Action details Meeting details Not available
1/30/20071 Planning Unit Fiscal Note Required / Approval  Action details Meeting details Not available
 1      Action details Meeting details Not available
Fiscal Note
No direct fiscal impact.  The plan will guide the redevelopment of certain portions of the corridor, which should result in higher assessed values over time but these changes cannot be forecast at this time with any degree of certainty.  
ALTERNATE - Accepting the Final Report of the East Washington Capitol Gateway Plan Advisory Committee and adopting the East Washington Capitol Gateway Corridor Plan and Urban Design Guidelines as a supplement to the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan, and other City plans to be used to guide future land use and development within the East Washington Capitol Gateway Corridor.
WHEREAS the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan adopted January 17, 2006 (Substitute Ordinance No. 02207), recommends the adoption of neighborhood plans and special area plans for established residential neighborhoods and other development and redevelopment locations within the City; and
WHEREAS, the area bounded by South Blair Street, East Mifflin Street, East Wilson Street and First Street is known as the East Washington Capitol Gateway Corridor, and
WHEREAS, the in-progress East Washington Avenue Road Reconstruction Projects and numerous adopted City plans and reports, including the 2004 East Rail Corridor Plan, the 1994 Marquette-Schenk-Atwood Neighborhood Plan, the 1998 Yahara River Parkway and Environs Master Plan, the 2000 Marquette Neighborhood Center Master Plan, the 2000 Isthmus 2020 Committee Report, the 1998 Emerson East-Eken Park Neighborhoods Plan, and the 2007 Draft Tenney-Lapham Neighborhood Plan, recommend that more detailed planning be conducted within the East Washington Capitol Gateway Corridor to identify opportunities and recommended land use, urban design changes and implementation activities that will encourage development and redevelopment within the Corridor to advance business, neighborhood and community objectives regarding business and economic development, residential development, infrastructure planning, streetscaping, urban design, housing and open space; and
WHEREAS the East Washington Capitol Gateway Corridor Plan follows the format of the adopted Comprehensive Plan and provides additional and more detailed recommendations regarding the future of land use, urban design and implementation activities for the corridor and connected areas; and
WHEREAS the East Washington Capitol Gateway Corridor Plan Advisory Committee, established by the Common Council in October 2004, guided the preparation of the Plan with input from all representative business and neighborhood associations and organizations, as well as neighborhood residents and other interested stakeholders; and
WHEREAS the East Washington Capitol Gateway Corridor Plan Advisory Committee was charged with the following tasks:
·      Find a community consensus on how the Corridor will function and what it will look like as new investment and redevelopment occurs over time;
·      Assemble a comprehensive profile of the current uses in the Corridor and an analysis of key development and business location opportunities;
·      Recommend preferred land uses for properties both north and south of the Corridor, including major redevelopment sites and key areas of overlapping interest between numerous neighborhoods;
·      Create corridor design guidelines and standards for new and renovated buildings and sites;
·      Create specific standards for inclusion in an Urban Design District #8 ordinance; and
·      Assemble specific strategies for City action to guide future development in accordance with the Plan; and
WHEREAS, during Phase One (Winter 2004 through Summer 2005) of this complex planning project, the 20-member Advisory Committee:
·      Studied past planning efforts for the study area, existing assets and opportunities, planning recommendations and the regulatory framework within the planning area;
·      Reviewed the Corridor site inventory, historical and cultural resources of significance, existing market data overview, stakeholder interviews;
·      Considered proposed and in-progress transportation, parking and infrastructure improvements, business, housing and overall economic development objectives and opportunities, open space, streetscaping and architectural design goals;
·      Developed alternative land use plan and urban design district recommendations; and
WHEREAS, during Phase Two (Fall 2005 through Fall 2006), the Advisory Committee revisited, refined, and expanded the level of detail and direction contained in the land use plan and urban design district recommendations based upon continued community input and deliberations centered around consensus building; and
WHEREAS, the Advisory Committee hosted two large public information meetings to gather public input and present planning issues and background information, alternative development concepts for the planning area, and the draft recommended land use plan and urban design guidelines; and
WHEREAS, throughout both Phases of this process, multiple opportunities were provided for community input, questions and concerns, including 1) wide distribution of meeting agendas and minutes and other meeting materials to interested parties, 2) opportunities for public comment at all scheduled Advisory Committee meetings, 3) posting Plan drafts on the Capitol Gateway Corridor Plan website, 4) hosting two public information meetings, and 5) the use of East Isthmus Neighborhood Planning Council (EINPC) as a hired facilitator to provide direct linkages to the neighborhood associations affected by the plan; and
WHEREAS, after carefully considering and discussing the input from all committee, public, and neighborhood meetings on the draft Plan and after making final revisions, the Advisory Committee at their October 11, 2006, meeting approved a motion to adopt the East Washington Capital Gateway Corridor Plan Advisory Committee Final Report and submit it to the Madison Common Council; and
WHEREAS, the Final Report has been reviewed by City agencies.
WHEREAS, this plan was deemed to be inconsistent with some previously adopted neighborhood plans, as well as one presented in draft form leading to the appointment of and charge to a subcommittee of the Plan Commission to reconcile those inconsistencies.  
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council accepts the East Washington Capitol Gateway Corridor Plan Advisory Committee Final Report as amended by the Plan Commission Subcommittee, and hereby adopts the East Washington Capitol Gateway Corridor Plan and Recommendations as a supplement to the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan and related neighborhood, corridor, and parkway plans outlined above, to be used to guide future land use and development in the East Washington Capitol Gateway Corridor; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Comprehensive Plan be revised to incorporate the land use classifications recommended in the East Washington Capitol Gateway Corridor Plan during the next annual Comprehensive Plan evaluation and amendment process; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate City staff are directed to work with neighborhood and business associations, property owners, residents and other interest groups to begin to implement the East Washington Capitol Gateway Corridor Plan's recommendations, and particularly adoption of the Urban Design District #8 Ordinance incorporating the Plan's design recommendations that will be developed following Plan adoption; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the appropriate City agencies consider including the recommendations of the East Washington Capitol Gateway Corridor Plan and Urban Design Guidelines in future work plans and budgets in accordance with the priorities stated in the Plan; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in situations where they differ, the land use and urban design recommendations in the East Washington Capitol Gateway Corridor Plan for the 600 through 1800 blocks of East Washington Avenue inclusive, including the frontage on East Mifflin and East Main Streets, shall supersede the recommendations in the adopted 2004 East Rail Corridor Plan; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOVLED that Planning Unit staff are directed to provide clarifying edits in the East Rail Corridor Plan to reflect these differences; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the East Washington Capitol Gateway Corridor Plan Advisory Committee will remain in effect until such time as the Urban Design Guidelines for Urban Design District #8 are complete, and the Advisory Committee has an opportunity to review the urban design guidelines, at which time, it will dissolve.