Fiscal Note
No City appropriation required.
Amending various sections of the Madison General Ordinances to correct inconsistencies and improper references in the Madison General Ordinances, constituting a 2023 City Attorney Revisor’s Ordinance.
DRAFTER’S ANALYSIS: This City Attorney Revisor’s Ordinance, corrects certain parts of the Madison General Ordinances (MGO), the City's code of ordinances.
The proposed changes in this ordinance are as follows:
- Section 1.08(3)(a) is amended to correct Madison General Ordinance references.
- Section 1.08(4) is amended to remove correct an MGO reference.
- Section 3.19(2)(c) is amended to correct a punctuation error.
- Section 3.32(5)(b)1 is amended to correct a spelling error.
- Section 9.12(2)() is amended to correct an MGO reference.
- Section 11.06(8)(b) is amended to correct a spelling error.
- Section 15.01 is amended to update Wards and Alder districts.
- Subsections within 15.02 are amended to update Ward descriptions.
- Section 15.03 is amended to match Alder districts listed in the State voter database.
- The definition of Terrace in Section 27.03(2) is amended to correct an MGO reference.
Please see Legistar File No. 76463 Body in Attachments.