Fiscal Note
Real Estate acquisition costs estimated at $250,000 for this project are available in Acct. No(s):
10530-403-110 Hiestand Ridge Path Land Acquisition.
Determining a Public Purpose and Necessity and adopting a Relocation Order for the acquisition of land interests required for the construction and maintenance of a pedestrian/bike path and bridge over State Trunk Highway 30 as part of a new multi-purpose path connecting Marsh View Path with neighborhoods east of US Highway 51 and north of State Trunk Highway 30. (15th AD)
WHEREAS, the City of Madison is proposing to construct a major shared-use (bike and pedestrian path) connecting the existing Marsh View Path west of Highway 51 with neighborhoods east of Highway 51 and north of Highway 30. The path would go through the northern portion of Hiestand park and cross over State Trunk Highway 30 with a new bridge. Acquisition of a parcel of currently-vacant land on the north side of State Trunk Highway 30 is necessary for the north bridge abutment, approach structure and path connection to Ziegler Road; and
WHEREAS, the City of Madison Engineering Division has established Engineering Project No. 10530 - Hiestand Ridge Path for the design and construction of public infrastructure associated with the proposed pedestrian/bike path and bridge; and
WHEREAS, the City of Madison Office of Real Estate Services has established a Master File / Project No. 10745 to facilitate and administer acquisition of required land interests to construct the necessary public improvements associated with the pedestrian/bike path and bridge over State Trunk Highway 30; and
WHEREAS, attached hereto and made part of this resolution is a City of Madison Relocation Order Map titled “Plat of land interests required for the construction and maintenance of improvements for a public pedestrian/bike path and bridge located in part of the SE ¼ of the SE ¼ of Sec. 33, T 8 N, R 10 E, City of Madison, Dane County, Wi...
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