Fiscal Note
The estimated cost of $50,000 is available in City Engineering's 2006 traffic calming budget. Funds are available in Acct. No. CS53-58250-810360-00-53W0323.
SUBSTITUTE - Regarding a long-term closure and operational plan for the closure of Jerome Street at Coldspring Avenue and a gated traffic diverter on Coldspring Avenue at Bainbridge Street with limited hours of passage.
WHEREAS, City of Madison Legislative File ID 02382, RES-05-00986, created the Lake Edge/Monona Grove School District Ad Hoc Committee, comprised of five members appointed by the Mayor of Madison and five members appointed by the Mayor of Monona; and
WHEREAS, the mission/charge of the ad hoc committee as set forth in the resolution shall be to seek a compromise resolution to the issue of cut-through and speeding traffic in the Lake Edge neighborhood; and
WHEREAS, City of Madison Legislative File ID 02382, RES-05-00986, directed the traffic diverters stay in place until such time as this committee reports, dissolves, but no later than September 30, 2006;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Lake Edge/Monona Grove School District Ad Hoc Committee recommends:
1. A traffic diverter with a gate on the north leg of Jerome Street at its intersection with Coldspring Avenue. The purpose of the barricade with the gate closed is to preclude traffic from entering and/or exiting Coldspring Avenue to/from Jerome Street. This closure will be accessible to bicyclists and pedestrians only.
2. A traffic diverter with a gate on the west leg of Coldspring Avenue at its intersection with Bainbridge Street. The purpose of the barricade when the gate is closed is to preclude traffic from proceeding eastbound and westbound through the intersection on Coldspring Avenue. The barricade will be accessible by bicyclists and pedestrians at all times.
3. The City of Madison will construct temporary gates at this time, to be replaced with permanent gates when co...
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