Fiscal Note
No expenditure required.
Authorizing the City of Madison to accept ownership of a various improvements, including a neighborhood sign, fence, sculptures, and landscaping features from the Eken Park Neighborhood Association to be located in the public right-of-way near the intersection of Commercial Avenue, Mayer Avenue and North Street.
WHEREAS, the Eken Park Neighborhood Association (“the Association”) has requested permission to install a neighborhood sign, fence, sculptures and landscaping features (the “Improvements”) within the public right-of-way near the intersection of Commercial Avenue, Mayer Avenue and North Street; and
WHEREAS, the City of Madison Planning department has worked with the Association to create a plan for the Improvements and provided a grant to facilitate this project; and
WHEREAS, the Association will transfer ownership of the Improvements to the City after installation, in exchange for the ongoing maintenance and repair of the Improvements by the Association; and
WHEREAS, City staff from the Offices of Engineering, Traffic Engineering, Risk Management, Real Estate, Metro Transit Utility, and the City Attorney have reviewed this request and approved it with conditions to be contained within a Letter of Agreement; and
WHEREAS, a plan illustrating the Improvements is included on attached Exhibit A.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council of the City of Madison authorizes the acceptance of ownership from the Eken Park Neighborhood Association of a neighborhood sign, fence, sculptures, and landscaping features to be located in the public right-of-way near the intersection of Commercial Avenue, Mayer Avenue and North Street as illustrated on attached Exhibit A; subject to the following conditions to be contained in a Letter of Agreement:
1. The Association shall be responsible for all costs of installation, maintenance and repair of the Improvements.
2. The Improvements shall be located accord...
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