Fiscal Note
There is no net impact on the Water Utility total capital budget, as this Resolution provides for a transfer of funds among capital projects. There is no impact on the levy. Funds are in the Account Nos. Listed on the attached. (Contract No. 5929 - Mifflin St - Seventh St.pdf)
Amending the 2006 Adopted Madison Water Utility Capital budget to reallocate funding among certain capital projects and awarding Public Works Contract No. 5929, Mifflin Street and Seventh Street Reconstruction Assessment District - 2006. (12 AD)
The 2006 Madison Water Utility Adopted budget includes $3,325,000 for the replacement of Water Mains, $1,592,000 for Lead Service replacements, and $1,100,000 (budgeted among the $1,383,200 for Miscellaneous Capital Projects) for the Phase 2 upgrade of the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. A number of unanticipated street openings in 2006 have provided opportunities for Water Main replacement over and above those currently budgeted in the 2006 MWU capital budget. In addition, the Lead Service replacement program is ahead of schedule, and a portion of the planned SCADA phase 2 has been deferred until 2007, allowing MWU to reprioritize its capital projects toward more water main replacements. In December of 2005, the Utility completed an Infrastructure Management plan that detailed the need for increased spending on the replacement of aging water mains over the next several decades. Therefore, the Utility is proposing a reallocation of funding among its capital projects as follows:
Water Main replacements (Account #810455): $1,000,000
Lead Service replacements (Account #810456): $ (500,000)
Misc. Capital projects (Account #810458): $ (500,000)
Net Change: $0
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