Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes the City of Madison to accept sanitary and temporary limited easements form Silver Oak Bay, LLC. No City appropriation is required.
Authorizing the acceptance of a Public Storm & Sanitary Sewer Easement, a Public Sanitary Force Main Easement, and a Temporary Limited Easement from Silver Oak Bay, LLC across portions of the property located at 5010 Lake Mendota Drive.
WHEREAS, Silver Oak Bay, LLC (“Owner”) is the owner of the property located at 5010 Lake Mendota Drive (“Property”) and has submitted an application for a demolition permit and conditional use to allow a single-family residence to be demolished and a new single-family residence to be constructed on the Property; and
WHEREAS, during the City of Madison’s (“City”) review of the Owner’s application and construction plans, existing facilities for a sanitary force main were discovered on the Property which exist without the benefit of recorded easement rights; and
WHEREAS, as a condition of approval for the Owner’s application, the City’s Engineering Division requires that the Owner grant a Public Sanitary Force Main Easement to the City, setting forth certain rights and responsibilities pertaining to the existing sanitary force main facilities on the Property; and
WHEREAS, the City’s Engineering Division also requires that the Owner grant a Public Storm & Sanitary Sewer Easement to the City along the easterly 10 feet of the Property to set forth certain rights and responsibilities for new sewer facilities, along with a 10-foot Temporary Limited Easement for the construction of the new sewer facilities; and
WHEREAS, the City’s Engineering Division has reviewed and recommends acceptance of the aforementioned easements.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Madison is hereby authorized to accept from Silver Oak Bay, LLC, at no cost to the City, a Public Sanitary Force Main Easement, a Storm & Sanitary Sewer Easement, and a Temporar...
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