Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution expresses support for the Engineering Division and Transportation Department grant application to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) 2022-2026 Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP). The application seeks federal funding for six bicycle and pedestrian projects. A separate resolution accepting the grant award will be submitted at a later date should the City be awarded the grant funding from WisDOT.
Supporting an application to WisDOT for Federal funding under the 2022-2026 Transporation Alternatives Program (TAP) (Citywide)
This resolution provides the required support of the grant application under the WisDOT Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) along with support of the projects noted in the application.
The City of Madison endeavors to provide its citizens with a robust, sustainable, multi-modal transportation system, including a major emphasis on bicycling and walking as viable and desirable modes of travel. The City has made major investments in bicycling and walking infrastructure and this priority is reflected in current budgets. Many of the City’s important existing bike-related infrastructure projects were successfully completed with Federal Transportation Enhancements (TE) funding participation in partnership with WisDOT, and the City continues to seek Federal funding for planned major bicycle or pedestrian infrastructure projects.
This application includes the following proposed bicycle and pedestrian improvement projects, and based on input from the Transportation Policy and Planning Board, these projects will be prioritized on the grant applications. The proposed priority is noted below, but this may change based on additional committee input, and staff will make the appropriate changes with the grant application documents.
1. School Rd. (Troy Dr. to Wheeler) - potential bike boulevard and additional bicycle & pedestrian improvements such as bumpouts, improved markings an...
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