Fiscal Note
No expenditure required.
Authorizing the execution of an easement to the County of Dane for public bicycle path purposes across a portion of Dunn’s Marsh open space, located at 4899 Crescent Road.
WHEREAS, the County of Dane (“County”) desires to construct, at its sole cost and expense, a mountain bike trail, to be commonly known as the “Seminole Mountain Bike Trail”, over a portion of City-owned Dunn’s Marsh open space (the “City’s Property”), located at 4899 Crescent Road; and
WHEREAS, the County has requested an easement for public bicycle path purposes across a portion of the City’s Property to accommodate the construction and maintenance of said mountain bike trail; and
WHEREAS, the City of Madison Engineering Division staff have reviewed and approve of the granting of such an easement.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a an easement for public bicycle path purposes (the “Easement”) to the County of Dane (“County”), allowing for the construction and maintenance of segment of the Seminole Mountain Bike Trail (the Path”) through a portion of City-owned Dunn’s Marsh open space ( the “City’s Property”) located at 4899 Crescent Road, under the following terms and conditions:
1. The County shall construct and maintain the Path at its sole cost and expense, in accordance with the plans to be approved by the City Engineer.
2. The Path shall be constructed across the City’s Property within the “Easement Area” more particularly described below and depicted on attached Exhibit A
3. Construction shall be performed and completed in good and workmanlike manner and shall not interfere with or endanger the use of the remainder of the City’s Property by the City or by the general public.
4. The County shall be responsible for following all applicable ordinances, codes, statutes and laws, and obtaining all permits required for any construction, repair or maintenance of the Pat...
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