Fiscal Note
There is no fiscal impact associated with the adoption of the plan. However, implementing specific recommendations within the plan will have fiscal impacts in the future and will require Common Council approval at that time.
AMENDED Adopting the University Avenue Corridor Plan and the goals, recommendations, and implementation steps contained therein as a supplement to the City's Comprehensive Plan.
WHEREAS the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan, adopted January 17, 2006, recommends the adoption of neighborhood plans for established residential neighborhoods within the City; and
WHEREAS, the Regent Neighborhood Association started the corridor planning process by commissioning a private consultant firm, Planning & Design Institute, Inc (2006) to prepare design guidelines for the area bounded by Campus Drive on the north, Breese Terrace on the east, Farley Avenue on the west, and the rear lot lines of properties abutting University Avenue on the south (See attached map); and
WHEREAS, the Regent Neighborhood Association requested the Planning Division to provide assistance to expand the draft above-mentioned plan document to include: a vision statement and guiding principles to address business development, land use and zoning, streetscape, way finding, and transportation; and to identify City policies and programs available to implement final plan recommendations; and
WHEREAS, Between May 2010 to February 2012, the Regent Neighborhood Association, with assistance by the Planning Division, hosted a kicked off event, three large-scale public meetings, a two-day art and design charrette, and a business survey and meeting; and
WHEREAS, the Regent Neighborhood Association Board of Directors provided direct oversight of further plan development, review, revision, and public comment from June 2012 to present; and
WHEREAS, the Regent Neighborhood Association Board of Directors approved the draft plan document at its September 25, 2013 me...
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