Fiscal Note
The proposed Phase 3 of the Madison Public Market business plan is funded under an existing contract that was authorized in 2013 in the amount of $250,000, with funding included in Adopted Capital Budget of the Planning and Community and Economic Development agency, "Public Market," Acc't No. 810747. The 2014 adopted capital budget of PCED total expenditure authority of $3,500,000 in 2014, with an additional $8,000,000 provided in the Capital Improvement Plan. No additional appropriation is required at this time.
SECOND SUBSTITUTE Accepting the Madison Local Food Committee’s recommendation on the preferred and alternative locations for the Madison Public Market District, directing Office of Real Estate Services staff to begin negotiations for the lease or purchase of private property at these locations, and directing Economic Development Division staff to conclude Phase Three of the Madison Public Market District Business Plan contract with the Project for Public Spaces consulting team.
WHEREAS, the City of Madison is working with a consulting team from Project for Public Spaces (PPS) to create a business plan for the Madison Public Market District; and,
WHEREAS, Phase One of the Business Plan indicated a high level of support for a public market in Madison among prospective vendors and potential consumers, and indicated that a Madison Public Market District would be a valuable resource to support the regional food system; and,
WHEREAS, Phase Two of the Business Plan focused on identifying the best location for a Madison Public Market District; and,
WHEREAS, the analysis completed by PPS as part of Phase Two of the Business Plan indicated that the general area around East Washington Avenue, First Street, and the Yahara River (“East Washington Avenue Site”) offers the best opportunity to implement the City’s vision for a dynamic, multi-use, Madison Public Market District; and,
WHEREAS, the analysis completed by PPS as part of Phas...
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