Fiscal Note
This Resolution authorizes the City’s acceptance of a $468,153 ETH grant award from the state DOH, and the Mayor and City Clerk’s execution of agreements with several nonprofits to provide homeless services funded by these grant revenues.
Up to $500,000 in ETH grant revenues and commensurate expenditures was authorized and approved as part of the Community Development Division’s 2015 Adopted Operating Budget, and thus, no budget amendment is required.
Authorizing the City of Madison, on behalf of the Dane County Continuum of Care (CoC), to accept a State ETH (Emergency Solutions Grant, Transitional Housing Program and Homeless Prevention Program) grant in the amount of $468,153; and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute ETH-funded agreements with specific nonprofit agencies to provide various services to homeless and at-risk individuals and families.
In April 2015, the Common Council approved a Resolution (RES-15-00336, Legistar # 37731) that authorized the City’s submission of a grant application to the Wisconsin Department of Administration’s Division of Housing for $471,453 in 2015-2016 ETH (Emergency Solutions Grant, Transitional Housing Program, and Homeless Prevention Program) grant funds, an amount that would help support the costs of programs administered by a host of local organizations serving homeless and at-risk individuals and families, as well as associated grant administration costs.
For the 2015-2016 grant cycle, the state DOH required that a single application be submitted on behalf of the entire CoC. On the date that the Common Council approved the previously mentioned resolution authorizing the submission of the application, specific proposals to be included in the application had not yet been finalized. The final list of included proposals was developed jointly with members of the local Homeless Services Consortium (HSC) through an open and collaborative process. Two planning meetings were hel...
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