Fiscal Note
Resolution #37731 authorized the City to accept ETH funds in the amount of $471,453 from the Wisconsin Division of Administration, Division of Housing on behalf of Homeless Services Consortium (HSC) agencies. An award letter dated 5/8/2015 indicated an award of $468,153. The award will provide funding for programs serving homeless and at-risk individuals and families as well as associated grant administration costs. It provides $6,344 in administrative funds to the City to contract with local nonprofits, monitor activities, disburse funds, and report to the State. Up to $500,000 in ETH grant revenues and commensurate expenditures were authorized and approved as part of the Community Development Division’s 2015 Adopted Operating Budget.
Authorize Mayor and City Clerk to sign contracts with specific Homeless Services Consortium agencies for services funded with proceeds from the 2015-16 ETH (Emergency Shelter Grant Program Transitional Housing Program & Homelessness Prevention Program) Award from the Wisconsin Department of Administration, Division of Housing.
The city of Madison worked closely with a group of community-based nonprofit agencies that provide services and housing to homeless persons and those at risk of becoming homeless. This cooperation involved City sponsorship and administration of an annual application to the State of Wisconsin for federal and State funds for various projects.
The Division of Housing determines awards based on a formula using data from monthly homeless census as well as poverty, unemployment and population data. The total HSC award of $468,153 will allow the City’s Community Development Division to enter into contracts with participating nonprofits for services provided from July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016.
The award will fund five initiatives: 1) homeless prevention, 2) street outreach, 3) rapid re-housing, 4) emergency shelter, and 5) transitional housing programs. A minimum of 30% of the grant ...
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