Fiscal Note
No funds required.
AMENDED SUBSTITUTE - Creating an Ad Hoc Long Range Metro Transit Planning Committee.
WHEREAS, the Madison Metro Transit bus system is experiencing an increase in passengers while it struggles deals with rapidly increasing fuel and other costs and increasing while state transit aid that are not keeping fails to keep pace with inflation; and
WHEREAS, in response to these pressures factors, policy makers have struggled been faced with the difficult choice of increasing fares, cutting service or increasing general tax fund support disproportionate to increases in support of Metro at levels higher than for other services; and
WHEREAS, several employers and schools, including the University of Wisconsin, St. Mary's Hospital, Edgewood College, MATC and the City of Madison, have found that providing their employees with free or reduced Metro fares can give their employees access to reliable workforce transportation which results in less need for expensive parking while giving their employees a significant benefit; and
WHEREAS, Madison Metro's is strategic plan calls for moving toward providing an ever more regional service by reaching out to our surrounding communities; and
WHEREAS, the Transit and Parking Commission, while providing excellent advice and direction for Metro in terms of short- and medium-range time horizons, cannot be expected to effectively explore long-range solutions to fundamental issues given the press of their routine business is best equipped to monitor and manage Metro operations;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and Common Council hereby create an Ad Hoc Long Range Metro Transit Planning Committee to charged with exploreing ways of improving Metro service and while and securing adequate funding that moves Metro beyond the traditional alternatives cycle of fare increases, service cuts and extraordinary increases in general fund support; and
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