Fiscal Note
No expenditure required. There will be a very small rent payment from MG&E to the City, likely amounting to less than $10 per year.
Authorizing the execution of an Agreement for Installation Operation, Maintenance and Repair of Photovoltaic System with Madison Gas and Electric Company for the installation of a demonstration photovoltaic system at Olbrich Botanical Gardens, located at 3330 Atwood Avenue.
WHEREAS, Madison Gas and Electric Company (“MGE”) desires to install a photovoltaic system (“PV System”) at the Olbrich Botanical Gardens property, located at 3330 Atwood Avenue; and
WHEREAS, City Parks staff is desirous of having a PV System installed at Olbrich Botanical Gardens as it will provide a source of illumination, at no cost to the City; and
WHEREAS, the PV System will be a clean renewable lighting source and will serve to demonstrate MGE’s and the City’s commitment to renewable energy technology; and
WHEREAS, MGE and Parks Division staff and Office of Real Estate Services staff have negotiated terms and conditions for an agreement to allow for the installation, repair and maintenance of the PV System by MGE;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council hereby authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an agreement (“Agreement”) with Madison Gas and Electric Company (“MGE”) for the installation, operation, maintenance and repair of a photovoltaic system (“PV System”) at the Olbrich Botanical Gardens property, located at 3330 Atwood Avenue and depicted on attached Exhibit A (the “Property”), on the following general terms and conditions:
1. The approximate location of the PV System within the Property is depicted on attached Exhibit B.
2. The installation by MGE may include such items as concrete footings, the PV System structure, underground electrical power conduits, ground signs, and similar items. Where existing landscaping, concrete sidewalks, or streets are disturbed due to excavation or trenching...
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