Fiscal Note
Acquisition Costs Estimated to be $375,000 and staff time funds available in: CS53-58130-810379-00-53B0965.
Construction Costs estimated to be $470,000 Funds are available in CS53-58240-810379-00-53B0965 (Path); CS53-58270-810379-00-53B0965 (Storm Sewer); and CS53-58545-810379-00-53B0965 (Lighting)
Determining a Public Purpose and Necessity and adopting a Relocation Order for the acquisition of Plat of land interests required to facilitate construction of the Buckeye Extension of the Capital City Trail, located in the Southeast ? of Section 9 and Northeast ? of Section 16, Town 7 North, Range 10 East, City of Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin. and approving plans and specifications for said project. (15th & 16th ADs)
WHEREAS, the City of Madison Engineering Division has established Project No. 53B0965 - Buckeye Extension of Capital City Trail; and
WHEREAS, the City of Madison Engineering Division is proposing to construct this segment of multi-use path from the end of the existing Capital City Trail at Cottage Grove Road to Buckeye Road; and
WHEREAS, the City of Madison Real Estate Section of the Community and Economic Development Unit has established a Master File / Project No. 8575 to administer the land interest acquisition required from properties for the proposed construction of the Buckeye Extension; and
WHEREAS, this multi-use path requires the acquisition of temporary limited easements for grading and sloping and permanent limited easements or fee acquisition for construction and maintenance of the path from seven properties as identified in the Plat of land interests required to facilitate construction of the Buckeye Extension of the Capital City Trail, located in the Southeast ? of Section 9, and Northeast ? of Section 16, Town 7 North, Range 10 East, City of Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin; and
WHEREAS, a copy of this plat of right-of-way is attached to this resolution; and
WHEREAS, all req...
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