Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution reclassifies position #1070 to a Principal Engineering at CG18-RG-15 from a Engineer 4 at CG18-RG-12 within the Engineering Division. The annualized increase in cost for this proposed position reclassification is $13,100 including both salary and benefits. Position #1070 is split funded in the adopted 2019 operating budget with 70% from the capital projects fund and 30% from the general fund (approximately $4,000).
Recreate position #1070, Engineer 4 (CG 18, R12) into a Principal Engineer 1 (CG 18, R15) within the Engineering Division.
Resolution deleting position #1070, Engineer 4 and recreating it as a Principal Engineer 1 in CG18, R15, to be posted through an internal competitive process, within the Engineering Division operating budget.
Be it further resolved the current incumbent will under fill the Principal Engineer 1 position until the position is filled, thereof.