Fiscal Note
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AMENDED THIRD SUBSTITUTE - Creating Section 25.09 of the Madison General Ordinances to establish that certain premises may be declared Chronic Nuisance Premises.
DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: This ordinance is another method for the City Attorney's office, the Madison Police Department and the Department of Neighborhood Preservation and Inspection to use to combat public nuisance activities. This ordinance defines what constitutes nuisance activity and it allows for a faster and more efficient response time from the City regarding enforcement and abatement. The ordinance places the responsibility of abating nuisance activities on the premises owner and establishes a cost recovery system for police and the Neighborhood Preservation and Inspection services for those premises deemed to be chronic nuisance premises. There is also a forfeiture provision for chronic nuisance premises. The ordinance sunsets on November 1, 2009.
The Common Council of the City of Madison do hereby ordain as follows:
Section 25.09 entitled "Chronic Nuisance Premises" of the Madison General Ordinances is created to read as follows:
(1) Findings. The Madison Common Council finds that certain premises within the City receive and require more than the general, acceptable level of police services and Neighborhood Preservation and Inspection Department Services, place an undue and inappropriate burden on City of Madison taxpayers, and constitute public nuisances. Nuisance activity contributes to the general decay of an affected neighborhood and negatively impacts law-abiding residents in these neighborhoods. The vast majority of properties with chronic nuisance activity are non-owner occupied. This ordinance is enacted to encourage premises owners to recognize their responsibility to ensure that activities occurring o...
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