Fiscal Note
City of Madison and City of Monona will pay individual acquisition costs related to properties within the appropriate city jurisdictions.
(Estimate for City of Madison Acquisition Costs and Real Estate Services is $600,000.00)
Budget authority is available in the following accounts:
CS53-58110-810571-00- 53W0712 Streets - Major Street Projects-Land/Easement - ROW Fee Acquisition
CS53-58130-810571-00- 53W0712 Streets - Major Street Projects-Land/Easement - Easement Acquisition
Determining a Public Purpose and Necessity and adopting a City of Madison Relocation Order for the acquisition of Plat of Land Interests required for the reconstruction of a portion of Monona Drive (CTH “BB”) between Winnequah Road and Cottage Grove Road
Determining a Public Purpose and Necessity and adopting a City of Madison Relocation Order for the acquisition of Plat of Land Interests required for the reconstruction of a portion of Atwood Avenue from Cottage Grove Road to approximately 500 feet north.
WHEREAS, the City of Madison, City of Monona and Dane County have proposed a joint project to reconstruct Monona Drive (CTH “BB”) between Winnequah Road and Cottage Grove Road and Atwood Avenue from Cottage Grove Road to approximately 500 feet north as the existing pavement is in poor condition and in need of reconstruction; and
WHEREAS, the western one-half of Monona Drive is in the City of Monona and the eastern one-half in the City of Madison; and
WHEREAS, the western one-half of Atwood Avenue is in the City of Monona and the eastern one-half in the City of Madison; and
WHEREAS, Monona Drive is also designated as CTH “BB”, therefore land interest acquisitions for these portions will be acquired in the name of Dane County; and
WHEREAS, Atwood Avenue north of Cottage Grove Road is designated as a local road, therefore land interest acquisitions for these portions will be acquired in the appropriate name of Monona for three properties on the west one-hal...
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