Fiscal Note
The estimated cost for the contract is $5,000. Funding is from Miscellaneous Appropriations, Improvement Initiatives. No additional appropriaiton is required.
Expressing support for a contract with Brian Joiner and Associates to identify ways that the City can promote effective development and support of Madison's non-profit sector.
WHEREAS, Madison's non-profit community is a symbolic expression of Madisonian values of caring for one another individually and collectively; and
WHEREAS, Madison's non-profit sector continues to be a crucial partner with the City in terms of meeting the basic needs of our community; and
WHEREAS, Madison's non-profit sector makes up a large portion of the social safety net that allows for a very high minimum standard of living for most city residents; and
WHEREAS, Madison's non-profit community continues to rely heavily on philanthropy and public sector support to survive and thrive; and
WHEREAS, the City of Madison believes it has a responsibility to ensure a vibrant future for the non-profit sector and that there is alignment with city priorities and goals going forward;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Madison Common Council supports the Mayor entering into a contract with Brian Joiner and Associates to identify ways that the City can promote effective development and support of Madison's non-profit sector.