Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution directs city staff to print and send neighborhood meeting notifications related to property development proposals, alcohol licenses, and other city business. The Common Council office coordinates the public notification of neighborhood meetings. This process may result in an increase in postage and printing costs, however, applicants are billed for postage. Costs are anticipated to be minimal and covered with existing resources. The Clerk’s Office and the Planning Division do not anticipate any additional costs related to this resolution. No appropriation is required at this time.
Directing City Staff to Provide Public Notification Related to Property Development Proposals, Alcohol Licenses, and Other City Business
WHEREAS, City ordinances and procedures require and encourage public notification regarding development proposals, alcohol establishment license applications and other City business, which are valuable opportunities for the public to provide input; and,
WHEREAS, MGO 38.05(3)(b) requires public notification regarding informational hearings and public hearings pertaining to alcohol establishment license applications; and,
WHEREAS, Wisconsin Statute Section 11.1205 prohibits elected officials who are candidates from using public funds for the cost of materials or distribution for more than 50 pieces of substantially identical material during election periods; and,
WHEREAS, the statutory 50-piece rule does not apply to the use of public funds for the costs of actions taken by local government administrative officers pursuant to a specific law, ordinance or resolution which authorizes or directs the actions to be taken; and,
WHEREAS, essential City business requiring and benefitting from public input continues to occur during spring election periods which occur for over four months prior to the election of alders and the Mayor; and,
WHEREAS, the Common Council wishes to, continue to inform and engage the public and solicit public input regarding City business, issues and policies during election periods through City agencies and staff publishing and distributing various notices, mailings and communications pertaining to specific alder districts;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council authorizes and directs City staff to send notifications to residents related to property development proposals, alcohol establishment license applications, and other City business, including the following:
-Neighborhood meetings for development proposals
-Public informational meetings and public hearings regarding alcohol establishment license applications
-Automated Alder and Mayor Blog notifications to subscribers of the service
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Common Council directs City staff to print and send neighborhood meeting notifications pursuant to the application guidelines for alcohol licenses and to list name and contact information of the alder representing the location of the establishment applying for an alcohol license.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Common Council directs City staff to print and send neighborhood meeting notifications pursuant to the pre-application guidelines for property developments and to list name and contact information of the alder representing the location of the proposed development.
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Common Council directs City staff to produce and distribute any additional public notifications or communications approved by the Common Council Executive Committee.