Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes a sole source purchase of replacement street lighting poles and fixtures for the State St. and Capitol Square areas. Traffic Engineering plans to purchase 13 replacement installations at a cost of $114,530. Funding for this purchase is available in the 2021 capital budget within Traffic Engineering’s Street Light Installation project. No additional budget appropriation is required.
Authorizing the Sole Source Purchase of Replacement Street Lighting Poles and Fixtures from King Luminaire.
WHEREAS, the City-owned pedestrian street lighting along State St and the Capitol square are unique to these locations within downtown Madison; and,
WHEREAS, the design of these poles, arms and fixtures was selected by a City-appointed committee and approved by the Common Council to maintain a distinct aesthetic; and,
WHEREAS, these street lights are original to the reconstruction of State St, with initial purchases made in 2004 and specific locations have shown signs of deterioration requiring replacement to maintain the integrity of these facilities; and,
WHEREAS, King Luminaire was the producer of these poles that were originally purchased with the reconstruction of State St with no other manufacturers that provide street light poles and fixtures of the current design; and,
WHEREAS, City Traffic desires to purchase a total of 13 replacement installations for an estimated purchase amount of $114,530 for timely installment by City-forces when required; and,
WHEREAS, under MGO 4.26(4), a contract of more than $25,000 that was not competitively selected must be approved by the Common Council and must meet one of the exceptions to competitive bidding in MGO 4.26(4)(a); and,
WHEREAS, for the reasons explained above, King Luminaire is the only manufacturer that can provide the specific product needed for the purpose of replacing deteriorated street light poles, thereby meeting the exception of MGO 4.26(4)(a)1, “The service required is available from only one person or firm”.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council hereby authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a sole source contract for the purchase of replacement street lighting poles and fixtures for the purposes and for the pricing described above.