Fiscal Note
No fiscal impact.
In Honor, Recognition, and Appreciation of Joe Ryan’s Half-decade of Dedicated Service as President of Madison West Neighborhood Association
WHEREAS, Joe Ryan led the formation of the MWNA in coordination with other dedicated residents; served as President for 5 years; and has guided the organization with vision, values, and commitment; and,
WHEREAS, he has been instrumental in building up this important community serving group into a vibrant, diverse, and vital neighborhood association sustained by relationships that support the association’s mission of promoting social, economic and civic engagement to foster a community of shared values; and,
WHEREAS, he has guided the creation of community supporting projects and initiatives that greatly enriched the MWNA area, such as the Madison West Farmers Market and Community Day Event at Elver Park, and a network of volunteers who have devoted heartfelt time and energy to those in need through local non-profits; and,
WHEREAS, he has built a network of communication and interaction between neighborhoods and the city, county, and state - helping residents gain a greater voice in decisions and plans for development projects; quicker resolutions with local government and services; and other related initiatives; and,
WHEREAS, he has fostered partnerships with all neighborhoods in the Madison West area, community centers, non-profit organizations, schools, businesses, and others to create a welcoming place with rich opportunities where children, families, neighbors, and diverse groups can learn, grow, and work toward a healthy and vibrant Madison West neighborhood area;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Common Council express gratitude for and recognition that Joe Ryan has made an invaluable contribution to the west side of the City of Madison and the many people who live there who have benefited from being a part of the neighborhood association that he led, and wish him all the best in the future.