Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes the purchase of a site license for the use of DigEplan from Lifecycle Technologies Limited at an initial cost of $26,000 annually and authorizes a support and maintenance contract on a recurring annual basis for the useful life of the software at a negotiated amount. Funding for the initial purchase of the software is funded by the 2018 Adopted Capital Budget (Purchased Software Enhancements, project 17403) and ongoing maintenance will be included in System and Software Maintenance in future operating budgets.
Authorizing the noncompetitive purchase of more than $25,000 in goods from Lifecycle Technology Limited for the purchase of DigEplan software to facilitate electronic plan reviews.
WHEREAS, Several City departments and divisions, including Assessor, Building Inspection, Engineering, Fire, Planning, Real Estate, Traffic Engineering, and Zoning, desire to perform electronic plan reviews of building and construction plans that are submitted for approval; and
WHEREAS, products from Adobe, Avolve, and Lifecycle Technology Limited were considered, and the DigEplan product from Lifecycle Technology Limited was determined to be the best choice for the following reasons:
• It is integrated with the City’s permitting and licensing system
• It is a proven solution in use by more than 70 cities
• Requires no special licenses or software for submitters other than Adobe Pro
• Is compatible with the City’s records system
• Provides for an audit trail of reviews, markups, and comments
• Will provide the City with a site license
• Is affordable;
WHEREAS, MGO 4.26(2) requires goods to be purchased using competitive procedures approved by the Finance Director and under the Finance Director’s Purchasing Guidelines, Common Council approval is required to purchase goods over $25,000 without a competitive bidding process; and
WHEREAS, continued use of the software will require a services contract for support and maintenance beginning at $26,000 annually; and
WHEREAS, under MGO 4.26(3)(e), service contracts of more than 3 years in duration require approval of the Common Council;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that that the Common Council hereby authorizes the purchase of a site license for the use of DigEplan from Lifecycle Technologies Limited at an initial cost of $26,000 annually; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to sign a contract for the support and maintenances purposes as described above, with Lifecycle Technologies Limited on a recurring annual basis for the useful life of the software at a negotiated amount, pending availability of budgeted funds.