Fiscal Note
The 2018 Adopted Capital Budget includes $750,000 within Engineering-Facilities Management for the Sustainability Improvements program funded by GO Borrowing (MUNIS 10563). The focus of the program is to implement the Madison Sustainability Plan via solar installations and energy efficient upgrades throughout the City. The proposed resolution authorizes a contract with RENEW Wisconsin for the development of a solar purchasing program for area businesses and new construction projects at an estimated cost of $52,000.
Funding a MadiSUN Commercial Solar Adoption Program in 2018
Whereas, the City of Madison has been a Solar America City since 2007, a SolSmart Gold Community since 2016 and is committed to promoting solar technology adoption at the local level;
Whereas, the City of Madison's Sustainability Plan contains a goal to achieve a 100% renewable energy and zero net carbon;
Whereas, the successful 2016 and 2017 MadiSUN residential programs, consisting of education, outreach and technical assistance and administered by RENEW Wisconsin, enabled 70 households to install 300 kilowatts of solar energy, investing over $1 million into the local clean energy economy and creating jobs;
Whereas, many of Madison’s commercial buildings are good sites for solar electric systems, with large, unshaded roofs and large electric needs;
Whereas, many business owners lack awareness about how and why solar electric systems can save them money, and the expert-led and business- to-business education approach of such a program would help to overcome this market barrier;
Whereas, a favorable combination of Focus on Energy renewable energy incentives, a 30% federal investment tax credit that will start to phase out in 2020, and relatively low installation costs will make 2018 an ideal time to implement a commercial solar program in Madison;
Whereas, city- and state- funded solar rebates have been proven to increase solar installations in markets across the U.S.,
Whereas, the $30,000 of solar rebates proposed in this program budget would be distributed in smaller amounts of $2,000 to $4,000 per project to fill a needed gap in the local market for commercial buildings and new construction projects, many of which have good solar access but lack the resources to overcome upfront costs;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Facilities and Sustainability Manager is authorized to negotiate a Contract for Purchase of Services with RENEW Wisconsin, Inc., or member(s) thereof, to assist with the planning, design and implementation of MadiSUN Commercial Solar Program for an amount not to exceed $52,000; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to sign a POS contract and issue a Purchase Order to RENEW Wisconsin, Inc for the services listed above; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to execute, deliver, accept and record any and all documents and take such other actions as shall be necessary or desirable to accomplish the purpose of this resolution in a form approved by the City Attorney.