Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for facility improvements to the Metro Facility at 1101 East Washington Avenue. This work represents phase 3A of a 4-phase construction plan for the facility. Phase 3A includes remodeling of maintenance and driver areas. The expected costs for phase 3A are:
Construction: $10,600,000 (Includes 8% contingency)
Professional Services: $100,000 (City staff time)
Development/Miscellaneous Costs: $25,000 (Plan Review, Urban Design Review, Site Plan Review, Buried Tank Documentation, Survey)
Furnishings/Fixtures/Equipment: $250,000 (Workstations, furniture signage, IT, A/V, Security cameras, Paging system)
TOTAL: $10,975,000
The 2021 capital budget includes $10,805,000 in GO borrowing within the Facilities Repairs and Improvement program to support phase 3A. Remaining budget authority from the 2020 appropriation within the Facilities Repairs and Improvement program may also be utilized.
Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for Madison Metro Transit Phase 3A - Maintenance and Driver Facility Improvements. (6th AD)
The Capital Budget includes funding for Metro Phase 3A Maintenance and Driver area remodeling project. The Project funds comprehensive remodel (i.e. architecture, maintenance bays/equipment, mechanical, electrical/lighting, plumbing, fire protection, IT + AV) at the Madison Metro Transit Maintenance Facility located at 1101 East Washington Ave., with the goal of providing improved working conditions for Metro Employees.
This resolution approves the plans and specifications for the project, authorizes the Board of Public Works to advertise for and receive bids for the project, authorizes execution of any lease or easement documents necessary to accomplish the project and authorizes the acquisition of materials and services required to successfully complete the project.
1) That the plans and specifications for Madison Metro Transit Phase 3A - Maintenance and Driver Facility Improvements, be and are hereby approved.
2) That the Board of Public Works is hereby authorized to advertise for and receive bids for the Project.
3) That the City Engineer and Finance Director are hereby authorized to obtain all Furnishings, Fixtures, Equipment and Materials necessary for the Project in accordance with City Purchasing Policy.
4) That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute easement and lease documents necessary for the Project in accordance with MGO Ordinances and City Policy, on a form and in a manner that has been approved by the City Attorney and Risk Manager.
5) That the City Engineer and Finance Director are hereby authorized to obtain and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute any documents required for moving, remediation, testing, inspection and consulting services as necessary for the Project in accordance with MGO Ordinances and City Policy, on a form and in a manner that has been approved by the City Attorney and Risk Manager.