Fiscal Note
This Agreement provides for the Village of Shorewood Hills to pay the City $95,000 for October through December, 2013 and an estimated $394,000 for 2014. The payment will be adjusted annually based on the Fire Department's prior year operating budget and debt service attributable to Fire capital projects. The minimum annual payment will be $394,000. In addition, the City will receive ambulance fee revenues (charged at the City's resident rate) and the Village's 2% fire entitlement dues received from the State of Wisconsin. The Fire Department will fulfill the terms of the Agreement using current staff and resources; however, the Department will request an additional Assistant Chief for 2014 to administer this agreement and perform other tasks.
Approving a contract with the Village of Shorewood Hills for the City to provide fire protection, medical services and prevention services .
The City has negotiated a intergovernmental agreement with the Village of Shorewood Hills to provide fire protection,medical services and prevention services to the residents of Shorewood Hills. This agreement is mutually beneficial to both parties since the City has an existing fire and emergency medical services response territory near to the Village of Shorewood Hills and the Village will contribute to cost of Fire Department services
The contract term will start on October 1, 2013 and be in force until December 31, 2064.The contract may be terminated by mutual agreement or by cause. The compensation under this agreement is $95,000 covering 2013 and is estimated at $394,000 for 2014. The contract amount will be adjusted annually based on the previous year's Fire operating budget and in part on the previous year's debt service payment for Fire Capital Projects and will never be lower than $394,000 annually. The contract will be substantially in the form attached hereto and subject to the approval of the City Attorney and Risk Manager.
As part of 2014 operating budget request,the Fire Department will be requesting to add one Assistant Chief position for the administration of this agreement as well as negotiation of future agreements and to address the growth in the number of fire stations and personnel. In 1986, the Fire Chief had 9 Chief positions for the management of ten fire stations and 251 emergency responders. Today, the Fire Chief has 9 Chief positions for the managment of 12 fire stations (Station 13 is planned for construction this summer) and 355 emergency responders.
WHEREAS, the City wants to enter into an inter-governmental agreement with the Village of Shorewood Hills for the provision of fire protection, medical services and prevention services.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to execute an inter-governmental agreement pursuant to Wis. Stat. s. 66.0301 with the Village of Shorewood Hills for fire protection, medical services and prevention services, for a term of fifty (50) years, as more fully described above.